Scammers don't steal your money, they create a world where it makes perfect sense to hand your cash over to them. Three-card-monte, the longest running show on Broadway, seems easy. You're watching the tosser and you always see the queen. What you don't see is a group of shills working you into the gate where you'll lose everything you have.
Sometimes a large sum of money is accidentally sent to you and the sender asks for the additional cash to be sent back. In the meantime, they empty your bank account.
We'll tell you all about the scams, how they work and why people fall for them. Don't become a sucker. Listen in.
In this week’s news, scammers are leasing private swimming pools for parties and the homeowners aren’t pleased. Gold is gaining ground on gift cards as a way of paying off scammers and we tell the sto...
In Arkansas, scammers are tricking pastors into urging parishioners to buy gift cards. Another city loses more than a million to scammers and city leaders believe it was a good thing. And in Las Vegas...
Season 7 begins Sept. 2 and there's a lot to talk about. Scams & Cons News moves to Monday and a new edition will come out each week. Regular episodes will continue on the second and fourth Thursdays ...
In this week's news, we'll tell you about a woman who lost a half million dollars in a Social Security scam, con artists who offer up free pianos, then trick the customer into paying high shipping fee...